Tuesday, December 30, 2008


My second job is good, but it's a bit boring sometimes.  I just sit at a table by myself and radio when parents come in.  And since I love music I thought I would take all my favorite lines from this past year and recap the whole year.  It may be a little silly, but at least it entertained me.  

So here they are, last year's soundtrack for(of) life: 

I'd like to know if You'd be willing to start over from scratch?  This is the good life, I lost everything.  Who Knew?  All at once the world can overwhelm you.  I'm not alright, I'm broken inside.  Lie to me once again and tell me it'll be alright.  I see your true colors cause inside your ugly, ugly like me.  All summer long.  By Your side.  Here's to the nights we felt alive and the tears you knew you'd cry.  More than a feeling.  Dream on.  Gotta wake, wake up the world.  Shake it like an earthquake.  I can't wait to see you again.  Love addict.  Your beautiful.  Cause I am vindicated I am selfish I am wrong.  Hope dangles on a string.  I love the rain.  That's me in the spotlight losing my religion.  Life's like an hour glass glued to the table.  Cradle your head in your hands girl.  Why am I ten feet under and upside down.  I don't think I can fake another hollow smile.  You wanna make a memory?  I held on cause I was already gone.  Leave the memories alone.  There's just too much that time cannot heal.  All that I feel is the realness I'm fakin.  I'm holding on with a broken heart that's still beating.  Bind my wandering heart to Thee.  You are my healer.  You hold my world in Your hands.  Have your way.  Wash away the part of me that gets in the way.  It's too late tonight to drag the past out into the light.  And all I want is you.

The End.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Eve

It was 6:24 and christmas eve mass started at 6:30. I stared out my car window at the torrential downpour wondering why in the world I can't keep an umbrella and praying for a blip in the rain. A very disoriented and somewhat incoherent prayer clumsily tumbled out of my mouth through alot of frustration and fist on the steering wheel. With tears running down my face I was almost afraid I was about to have one of those Job moments where God firmly asks, "Where in the world were you when I made the Heavens. Maybe you should tell me how this is suppose to work!?!" I sat back and feared the worst, afraid that my prayer had been a bit too brazen. (as though I can really hide what I'm the thinking from the omniscient!)

Anyway, the rain let up and I walked in a bit late, offending a few because I did not know to cross myself with 'holy water'. I have always wanted to see what a catholic service was like and can't remember ever going to church to actually celebrate Christmas. Imagine that?! Overall, I think I "faked" being catholic pretty well. I made it through most of the recitations and everything good enough and got the hang of how and when to cross myself. However, the genuflecting (though I knew what it was) caught me by suprise. Needless to say there were a few times I was the last one down and the last one up. It's not like they tell you when to do these things :)

Several people laughingly asked me later if I actually got anything out of the service. Im certain they expected me to say no, nor were they interested in the answer. Especially since they did not forsee it being yes. The whole thing was a bit solemn, but what I was really taken by was their extreme reverence for the Scriptures. The crossing and genuflecting every time the Word of God was spoken. Maybe we don't stop enough to think about the fact we are holding and reading a truly living and eternal word handed down from God the Father Almighty. With that in mind, I wondered how often my spirit 'man' pauses and geneuflects not only in reverence, but in obedience to what is asked of me in these Holy Scriptures.

So, in the end, I didn't exactly have a Job moment, but I was somewhat embarrassed and ashamed by my audacity an hour earlier that I would dare to shake my fist at the Heavens and doubt and yell at such a magnificient and sovereign God. Now I'm not saying we shouldn't pray honest prayers, but just maybe sometimes a little more genuflecting and a little less ranting might do us protestants some good.

Just a little lesson learned from the Catholic church...

Friday, November 7, 2008

Ahh...sitting in the library, one of the few places that I still feel great in!  I'm still not sure though why I still blog?!  I'm well aware no one reads it, but I think it's because it makes me 'feel' as though I've told someone while still resting in the security that no one knows what I'm thinking.  Make sense?  Crazy-I know.  

Well, anyone who knows me at all knows that my life has been a whole lot different this past year.  Except for now, we're heading into year 2 and things I thought would be fixed are still the same.  Coming off a great, but emotional summer, 3 church interviews with nothing promising, countless regular interviews, the recruiter at the employment agency continually ridiculing my course of study and reminding me of my inadequacies, lost friendships, a discouraging note from my fav. professor, horrible substitute jobs, and the search for a church home lead me to yet another moment of 'desperate' prayer.  And by desperate I don't mean angry or accusing.

Needless to say the past several years have brought alot of changes and made me alot different than what I used to be.  Some of that is good and some...not so much.  You know, they say people never crumble in a day, which makes me wonder how did I get from there to here?  How do I take advantage of a new start when all I can feel is a heavy aching in the deepest parts of my soul?  When God doesn't seem to answer the way I want when I need Him to put my heart back together?  Is this His way of making sure I continue to look for His arms and embrace in the middle of such confusion?  How do I hear His voice above the others that constantly remind me of all the ways I've failed?

So what was His answer to that desperate prayer that has me hanging on yet another day?  Music.  Sounds too simple I know, but music was created by Him for worship and is a powerful thing.  Anyway, when I was younger I used to play all the time.  Flute, piano-didn't matter.  What mattered, my teacher said, was that I learned to pray with my hands and use it as a means of expressing myself to my Creator. It's been a LONG time since I opened up that dusty piano, but in a moment of overwhelming hurt with doubts hanging heavily upon a believing heart and a tear soaked face, I remembered what I used to be.  There were times when I used to play that I forgot everything else in the world as I played my song to Him and hurts tumbled out and I found solace there in the presence of My God without saying a word.  And so it was.  

Now, I'm not saying everything is peachy now.  All I'm saying is its a first step towards the better part of what I used to be.  The me that wasn't always looking for an answer or even healing from the pains that my own disobedience has caused, but rather the me that was comforted in knowing that His tears are larger for me than the ones I cry.

"Let thy goodness like a fetter, bind my wandering heart to thee!..."  

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wow...I can't believe it's been a year since I posted anything on here.  Well, much has changed and alot has stayed the same.  I'm looking for a job and have a couple possibilities that I'm hoping at least one of will pan out.  Been to FL and spent the summer working-amazing! 

But, along with all this change there's been a lot of questions whirling around in my head and weighing on my heart.  Like why does God seem so silent?  When is He going to show me just a glimpse of what to do next?  Exactly how far reaching is His grace?...Especially when you boldly tell Him you're going to do your own thing even though His word says its wrong?  How is that my faith is so weak and my disbelief and doubt so quick after years of His proven faithfulness? 

Crazy huh?!  I started reading this book last week titled the "The deity formerly known as God".  Im aware that some of my perceptions of God are off.  For example, I think alot about how Mighty God is and just, and my mind has a hard time wrapping itself around the fact that a God like that can love me past everything wrong in me. Yet in the silence and midst of my darkest defeat, I somehow am realizing that He is trying to show me and tell me that He does delight in me.  Anyway, God has been using this book over the past week to challenge me to think about Him in different ways.  Right now, Im reading the Scriptures over again attempting to keep those more constructive images of Him in mind.  If you haven't read the book, you should get a copy!

Oh well, that's about it for now.  Crazy times!  Just waiting and seeing what He does.